Hello! Any questions, comments, suggestions, or general YA chatter can be sent to us at custsvc@cmrls.lib.ms.us. If you wish to contact the library nearest you, click here for information.
We can create a list of books you'll like to read if you'll tell us a book, graphic novel, movie, or television show that you enjoy or we can help you find your homework resources.
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What is your
favorite book? Harry Potter? Hunger Games? Thirteen Reasons Why? Eleanor and
Park? Did you know that these books and hundreds of others have either been
challenged or banned? So, what...
World Book Encyclopedia was designed to meet the curriculum needs of students in elementary through high school. It was first published in 1917 and revised annually starting in...
The challenge is simple: you have 60 minutes to escape. However, completing the tasks, solving the clues, or being the first to escape is not simple at all...and that's why teens love escape rooms!During...
Hello Teens!That time of year has arrived: Library Card Sign-Up Month! This is the perfect chance to get your card of awesome power (seriously, you can check out books, video games, movies, and use the...
The number one thing to surviving the school year this year with your library is to have a Library card!!Let your library card take you somewhere else. Check out a book and let it take you far away or...
Ah, yes, the universal cry of Tweens and Teens around the world during Summer. I'm bored! But, why?!?! There is so much to do! What? You doubt me?!?! Ok, check this out.July 20th is National Fortune Cookie Day so visit your local Chinese restaurant and see what your future holds. After, get a...
Welcome to the Central Mississippi Regional Library System's teen blog! You'll find book reviews, pictures from our awesome programs, library news, music recommendations, and SO MUCH MORE.
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