Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Flowood Teens Learn Dungeons & Dragons and some Cosplay Techniques

We've been learning how to play Dungeons and Dragons over the past few months at the Flowood Library.  Our Dungeon Master has patiently taught new players how to create their character and how to play.  Last Saturday we had our biggest turnout yet with 17 players!  Our role playing teens often come in cosplay as well, so you will see many characters you recognize in the photo below of our game on Saturday!

Tomorrow we will have special guests Airship Demenca and Rae from Magically Perfect, LLC come to talk to the teens about how to make cosplay costumes and props, and how to do their make-up for the costumes they choose.  We will have crafting areas set up to work on making props.  Rae will give make-up tips and suggest products that have worked best for her.

Special thanks to Airship Demenca and Rae from Magically Perfect, LLC for donating their time and expertise.