Monday, April 19, 2010

Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins

Even though the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins was published just a few years ago, I just found this series not too long ago. This book is an intense and way awesome read. Panem, the fictitious setting, is divided into 12 districts. The book centers around Katniss and Peeta, the representatives from District 12, who participate in the televised and popular Hunger Games. Each district sends 2 representatives to these games. The winner is the last person standing! Can you believe it!?!? Teens are fighting to the death on national television!!!
The book teems with themes such as love, survival, loyalty, perseverance, suffering, freedom, fear, and betrayal. I couldn't put it down!!! Even better there is a sequel...Catching Fire. A third installment, Mockingjay, is due August 2010. There's even talks of Lionsgate (movie producers of Twilight Saga Series) producing a movie about it! This series does not disappoint; it's filled with action that will keep your fingers turning! This series is definitely not for the light-hearted or weak stomach.

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