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We can create a list of books you'll like to read if you'll tell us a book, graphic novel, movie, or television show that you enjoy or we can help you find your homework resources.
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Way to go Ashley! Ashley participated in Pearl Public Library's National Library Week 2010 Teen Bookmark contest! She won a $25 gift card donated by Wal-Mart and a framed copy of her design!
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie MeyerThis fast-paced read is worth your time if you are crazy about the Twilight Saga series! From the eyes of newly-made vampire Bree Tanner, you'll almost see a humanistic side of her kind. Click on this link to request it from …Read More
Make a Splash Library Birthday BashCan you believe the 2010 Summer Reading Program is ending? Could you be the winner of our grand prize, a Sony Mp3 Player? Turn in your last minute book reviews for a chance to win our fabulous prizes. We are giving away a Son…Read More
An A"MAZE"-ing Book!!!So I have recently become a fan of dystopian science fiction. If you've read the Hunger Games and Catching Fire, you will not be disappointed with James Dashner's Maze Runner! The beginning of the book just screams at you to …Read More
Volunteering @ the Pearl Public Library We had some wonderful help this summer for our Summer Reading Program! We had 10 volunteers who helped us do just about everything. They helped with programs and manned our regsitration table among many other tasks. They eve…Read More
Teen Craft Night Join the Pearl Public Library Monday night, July 12, at 6:00 for Teen Craft Night. Teens who are 12 and up are invited to make a variety of crafts including "Message in a bottle" and "Sand Mosaics". Refreshments will also be…Read More
Welcome to the Central Mississippi Regional Library System's teen blog! You'll find book reviews, pictures from our awesome programs, library news, music recommendations, and SO MUCH MORE.
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