Hello! Any questions, comments, suggestions, or general YA chatter can be sent to us at custsvc@cmrls.lib.ms.us. If you wish to contact the library nearest you, click here for information.
We can create a list of books you'll like to read if you'll tell us a book, graphic novel, movie, or television show that you enjoy or we can help you find your homework resources.
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Need a mid-week break this summer? Come join the Pearl Public Library for Wii Play Wednesdays every Wednesday @ 3:00 until July 14. We will be featuring water-themed games as well as Wii classics. Children and teens are welcome to attend!
So I've been a little behind...on blog posts....Overall I think the teen summer reading program went well. The Pearl Library had a series of 5 programs and it seemed like everyone who attended had fun! After our etiquette presentation, teens learned about …Read More
Summer Reading Program RegistrationSummer Reading Program 2010 Come Make Waves this summer with your public library. The Summer Reading Program provides teens with an incentive to read during the summer. Read books for prizes including a Sony MP3 Player! Also,…Read More
Summer FUN!Its the middle of winter; why would you want to hear about summer, now? Believe it or not...your library staff is already planning a GREAT summer of FUN! This year's theme is BE CREATIVE!You may even want to volunteer @ your …Read More
Volunteer OpportunityMake Waves This Summer by Volunteering @ the Pearl Public Library!How? Come to the Pearl Public Library and fill out an application. When? Deadline for application is Friday, May 14th. Who? Any student entering the 7th grade …Read More
On the Waiting List for a Stephenie Meyer book?? Me, too!Believe it or not, the staff has to wait just like our patrons to read the hottest books. I have finished Twilight and, as of this morning, I am #4 on the request list for New Moon. If you're like me and anxiously awaiting th…Read More
Welcome to the Central Mississippi Regional Library System's teen blog! You'll find book reviews, pictures from our awesome programs, library news, music recommendations, and SO MUCH MORE.
Subscribe to the Teen Scene Newsletter! You'll find programs, books, music, homework help links, and much more there, too!
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