Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Teen Anime and Manga @ Pearl Library

 Hey all my Anime and Manga enthusiasts!  It’s that time again! Turkey Day is coming up soon and so is the next meeting of the Pearl Library Anime Club! The next meeting is November 19th, 2012 from 6-7p.m.  As always you can read Manga, draw Manga and Anime, talk about Manga and Anime or just hang out and listen to everybody else talk about Manga and Anime.  Even you guys who don’t know anything about Manga and Anime are welcome to attend.  Believe me we will tell you every single detail we know (Can you say over share?)  But, hey, that’s what the Thanksgiving season is all about right?  It is Japanese tradition to give gifts at this time of year so our craft for this month is Furoshiki. Let’s all say it  together F-U-R-O-S-H-I-K-I. In other words the Japanese art of wrapping gifts in clothe.  Oh and did I mention that there will be snacks?  As always I want to say that Anime and Manga fans are the most interesting and talented people around so we hope to see you there!
Your faithful Pearl Anime Club Host,
Miss Vickie

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