Thursday, June 18, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Favorite Childhood Books

It's Throwback Thursday! Every other Thursday (possibly every Thursday if we can), we'll showcase a book from our past that we loved and still do. Got a book from your past you want to talk about? Email us at and tell us about it!
No matter how many times I'm asked what my favorite childhood book was, the first book that always comes to mind is Peter Pan by JM BarrieI love this book and the play and the movie(s) and everything that has to do with it (I even watch Jake and the Neverland Pirates when I babysit). I have a Peter Pan tattoo. I own at least six different editions of the book. The story reminds me to not take everything seriously, that it's okay to be silly and have fun. I'm reminded to go into new things and new places with childlike wonder. Sometimes it's okay to not act like a grown up.
The next book that comes to mind is The Harry Potter series by JK Rowling. Duh. I grew up with Harry Potter. I was about 10 when the first book came out. I was 17 when the last one came out. I went through my angsty teenage years when Harry WAS YELLING IN ALL CAPS. I love this series. So much. I also have a HP tattoo.
The last book I want to mention is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, which is a beautiful novel of acceptance and love. It was one of those “required” books in school that I am so happy to have had the opportunity to read. I’ve read this one several times since I was supposedly forced to read it and I love it just as much every time. PLUS, Go Set a Watchmen comes out next month!
Want to check out any of these books? Search for them in the CMRLS catalog and find them in a library near you!

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