Miguel Jontel Pimentel is one of my favorite alternative R&B artists ever. His album Kaleidoscope Dream single-handedly earned that spot on my list within just a few short times of listening to it. Miguel is pretty explicit, so definitely take a note of that in case that's something of importance to you. He is all about puns and metaphors and provocative and painterly language dealing with intimacy, and I absolutely love it. So if that sounds like something you can get down to, you should definitely check him out. I'm going to have the same kind of setup as Stefani did last week and just throw some quotes in.
1. "Do You..." [ absolute fave]
"My mama said the greatest things in life are free. What about lust? What about trust?"
2. "Kaleidoscope Dream"
"Body language like piano keys"
3. "Use Me"
"Daydream, my body's waving a white flag"
4. "Candles In The Sun"
"Hey, I say we're all created equal. That's what they teach us, but that ain't how we treat each other"
5. "Coffee"
"I wish I could paint our love - these moments and vibrant hues"
If any of these catch your eye, head on over to Freegal and download them all for FREE! But basically, you just need to listen to Kaleidoscope Dream and be on the people-in-love-with-Miguel train with me.
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