Monday, August 10, 2015

Music Monday: The Neighbourhood

It’s Music Monday! What does that mean? The Central Mississippi Regional Library System has a ridiculous amount of FREE to you resources available for patrons. One of those is Freegal, a free and legal service that now allows patrons to download five songs each week for FREE (notice the emphasis on free). Every Monday we’ll be picking five songs that we love that are available on Freegal for you to download.

I have seen The Neighbourhood live four times and have already purchased a ticket to see them for the fifth time next month. It’s safe to say they are one of my favorite bands and definitely in the top three bands I love seeing live. It’s hard to put into words why and how much I love them, because they are a hard band to categorize – I suppose that’s probably the main reason I love them so much. I first heard the band on YouTube while living in Scotland in 2012. A music venue was doing a giveaway for tickets to their show and I entered on a whim and won. This was just a few months after they released their first two singles – Sweater Weather and Female Robbery – and hardly anyone knew who they were. They weren’t even on the radio at this point. It was one of the best live performances I have ever seen and the band members were SO nice and humble. Anyway, I love this band and you should all listen to them. :)

Here are five of the songs I’d recommend listening to by The Neighbourhood (unfortunately, my favorite song, “Afraid”, is not on Freegal – though the video is!). I’m going to do it a little differently this time and give you the song title and my favorite lyric from the song.

1. West Coast on The Love Collection

They say it's happy here, happiness is figurative,I'm happy 'cause I’m me, doesn't matter where I'm livingWhen it's said and done,Let it go.In weakness or in strength,Change can be amazing.I've been learning since, but it doesn't mean I'll float
2. Let It Go on I Love You.

Remember what the people said,
3. Honest on The Amazing Spider-Man 2 soundtrack

I hope you find a way to be yourself someday,
4. Alleyways on I Love You.

I knew myself before I knew anyone
5. Float on I Love You.

They show you how to swim, then they throw you in the deep end
I could seriously go on and on, because, really, I think you should listen to all of their songs. BUT if any of these catch your eye, head on over Freegal and download them, or check out some of The Neighbourhood’s other music! All you need is your library card and pin number, and you’re good to go!

-- Stefani

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