Friday, June 7, 2019

Lift Off at Magee

Summer has started at the Magee Library. The theme for this year's Library Programs is a Universe of Stories! Our Tweens (5th - 8th grade) and Teens (9th - 12th grade) will have the chance to Blast Off over the next two Mondays.

On Monday, June 10th, the Tweens will build Alka Seltzer Rockets. We will start at 11 am in the library meeting room.

On Monday, June 17th, also at 11 am, out Teens will take their shot at building a rocket.

They will use construction paper, scissors, tape, old film canisters, and a whole lot of imagination to build a rocket. It is always fun to see all the different designs that young people can come up with. Once they are satisfied with their rocket, we will head outside for final launch preparations. The rockets will be fueled by Alka Seltzer tablets and water. Some rockets will go high while others will crash and burn. Fortunately with these rockets, we can always attempt a second lift off.

Our rockets probably won't make it to the moon, but you never know.

We encourage all our Tweens and Teens to sign up and participate in our Reading Challenge. It is done through the Beanstack app, perfect for all our tech savvy young people! We also invite them to our Family programs on Tuesdays at 11 am. Matt Pudas, Youth Services Librarian at Magee, is very thankful for all the Teen Volunteers that help with decorating for summer and the programs. Matt said, "We could not do all that we do during the summer without our VolunTeens!"

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