Aliens are appearing all around the Flowood Library as teens submit their art entries for our contest.

We will display these colorful aliens and have voting to determine the winner. Have you shown us your art skills and turned in your alien yet? The deadline is fast approaching. All aliens must be turned in to a Flowood staff member by September 20th to compete in the art contest. Will you be the winner? If you haven't come by yet to pick up your coloring page alien, we have them back in the TEEN ZONE!
After all the excitement of the siege on Area 51, what is coming up next? We have a TEEN KARAOKE NIGHT planned for September 26th at 6pm in the large meeting room. Come perform you favorite (library appropriate) song. Come in costume if you desire. Show off your skills or support your friends who are performing. Pizza and drinks will be provided while supplies last!
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