Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Cosplay Fun at Flowood Library Teen Night

The Cosplay Costuming and Make Up tutorial night was a huge success. We had our biggest turn out ever with 26 attendees and a service dog!

Special guest Rae of RaeBae Cosplay and Magically Perfect, LLC taught attendees how to morph yourself into your character using her tried and true make up methods. They then made a fun group video.

Special guests Airship Demensa brought craft supplies and worked with attendees to make props and costume parts for their own designs. Participants brought drawings of their costume plans and Anthony from Airship Demensa taught them how to turn their drawings into real costumes and props. Teens went home with their creations. Some examples of what they made include crowns, swords, belts, and wrist cuffs.

Special thanks to COOMES VENDING for donating drinks for the event.

Join us in February for an Old School Valentine's Day Party and a night of DIY Button Making. On February 13th we will throwback to our elementary school days and have a party with our homemade valentines boxes, cards to share, and chocolate treats. On February 27th we will draw our own designs and then make our art into buttons using the library's button maker.