Friday, May 22, 2020

A New Friend Arrives at Brandon

A New Friend Arrives

Hello Teens!

I know it's been a while, and I hope that you've all been keeping safe and relatively sane through the current crisis. We at CMRLS are still here for you and have been working to make sure we can provide as many resources as possible to get you through this time. We've also been getting ready for our Summer Library Program as well as making it accessible virtually. To prepare for this, we have been working on getting a special visitor for the Brandon Public Library. Some of you may have spotted them while they were getting ready for their big debut.

I present to you, the dragon, Phyl!

Phyl and I have been working together for some months now,  

Trying to get them ready to show off to the world.

It has been a trying few months, but we have finally arrived!

Phyl will be at the Brandon Public Library for a while to brighten our days…hopefully without burning too many things. Their hoard and their clutch are to arrive soon, so look for that in the coming weeks!

Stay safe and stay smart!

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