Monday, July 27, 2015

Music Monday: Bob Dylan

It’s Music Monday! What does that mean? The Central Mississippi Regional Library System has a ridiculous amount of FREE to you resources available for patrons. One of those is Freegal, a free and legal service that now allows patrons to download five songs each week for FREE (notice the emphasis on free). Every Monday we’ll be picking five songs that we love that are available on Freegal for you to download.

This week I'll be talking about Bob Dylan.
Reasons why Bob Dylan should always be a thing:

1) Because poetrythe good, the bad and the ugly.
2) Because he didn't let anyone tell him what to do.
3) Because he made folk-rock a thing.
4) Because civil rights.
5) Because he's 74 and still freaking touring.

Plus a thousand more reasons times infinity.

It's 7:30pm, so I'll make this short and sweet. So without further adieu, here are my top five favorite Dylan songs.

1) She Belongs to Me from Bringing It All Back Home (also my favorite album)
2) Subterranean Homesick Blues from Bringing It All Back Home (hands down favorite song by him ever)
3) Mr. Tambourine Man from Bringing It All Back Home 
4) Blowin' in the Wind from The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
5) Visions of Johanna from Blonde on Blonde

I could expound upon these and give you a glimpse of my perspective, but I'm just going to leave it at a list today. Because the freaking songs are lyrical and musical masterpieces and speak for themselves

If any of these catch your eye, head on over Freegal and download them, or check out some of Bob Dylan's other music! All you need is your library card and pin number, and you’re good to go!


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