Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Terrific Teens Tell TAB Tales!

Forest Public Library started a Teen Advisory Board (TAB) this year. It was first offered to seniors with the incentive of a $1000 scholarship provided by the Forest Friends of the Library. TAB has been a wonderful experience for the librarians to plan and execute programs with this great group of teens. 

Senior members were required to write a one-page paper describing their experience while serving on TAB. The experiences they have written about have been of fun times and learning that libraries go beyond just books. As the days come to an end for our senior members their endless ideas, help, and support will always be appreciated and remembered. Below are some excerpts from a few of the papers.

“We have done some great things together, and I have met many people that I now call my friends.”

“Being part of the library family has really given me a new outlook on what the library is really about.”

“I have learned so much and gained new friends, and that is really all I need to be successful in life.”

“I would most definitely recommend any upcoming senior to join the TAB group!”

“I’ve realized the library tries to do so much to give back to the community and gets everyone to be involved, by having different activities and programs going on for different age groups. Being a part of a group that’s trying to make a difference not only at the library but in the community gives a really good feeling.”

“This group has done so many great things together, I wish that we could continue doing all these amazing things at the library, but there comes a time when all good things must come to an end.”

“I can’t wait to see what the future generations of TAB are going to do and the impact that they are going to make on the library and community.”

Youth Services Librarian Brandi Parker has seen the benefits of having teens involved in the planning and execution of programs. The number of teens participating in activities has increased significantly with the starting of the TAB. “It is exciting to see how personable the membership has become for each of the teens. I have enjoyed getting to know and work with each TAB member,” Parker states. 

The Beverly Rhodes – Forest Friends of the Library Scholarship will be awarded on Friday, May 17, and one terrific teen will have an exciting tale to tell!

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