Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Most teenagers have read a book or two by everyone's favorite author, Dr. Seuss. They are almost required reading for children. Everyone has a favorite. Mine is One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. For others, it might be Bartholomew and the Oobleck.

Barthlolomew Cubbins is a page in the the Kingdom of  Didd. He is in service to King Derwin. King Derwin becomes disenchanted with the regular things that fall from the sky like rain and snow and fog. He wants something special. Something unique. So against the warning of young Bartholomew, the King has his magicians create something new. The result is Oobleck! 

Oobleck is a sticky green substance that soon covers everything! When the King finally realises his mistake, it is too late to do anything. He finally admits that this huge mess is his fault and says that he is sorry. 

That turns out to be the magic words to reverse the Oobleck. Shortly after saying I'm sorry, all the Oobleck is gone. This book is a good reminder to be thankful for what one has and to be careful what you want. 

The Oobleck in the story covers everything. On August 19 at 4 p.m. the Teens will make Oobleck at the Magee Library. This program is for 9th to 12th graders. Hopefully, we won't cover the entire library in Oobleck, but you never know. We might even make it dance. 

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