Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Special Doctor Who Event at Brandon!

Hello teens!

We at the Brandon Public Library have a very special event coming up! Prepare yourselves for Doctor Who Day!

Yes, I realize some of you might not know anything about Doctor Who (I will forgive time), but this is the perfect opportunity to learn. If you like anything remotely Sci-Fi, British, funny, dramatic, or sarcastic, you will appreciate this show. This event is basically a mini-convention, so even if you are new to the series, you will get the chance to learn by watching those who are not. We will have trivia games for those hardcore Whovians, so brush up on your TARDIS knowledge. There will be mini-games that are not trivia related, but definitely fun for everyone. Don't forget the costume contest and the potluck! Yes, free food. You're welcome. The library will be providing the drinks, so make sure that you bring your favorite Doctor Who-themed dishes to share.

All ages are welcome to this event, so don't feel shy about bringing your friends, parents, or siblings. Be sure to be there Saturday, September 21 at 12:00pm. Allons-y!

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  • Special Doctor Who Event at Brandon! Hello teens! We at the Brandon Public Library have a very special event coming up! Prepare yourselves for Doctor Who Day! Yes, I realize some of you might not know anything about Doctor Who (I will forgive… Read More