Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Weird Science at Magee

One of the advantages of being old is that we had great everything! I grew up in the 80s and they were totally awesome, dude! The music, the clothes, the hair (MULLETS), and the movies. They were the best!

One of my favorite movies was Weird Science. It featured Anthony Michael Hall and Ilan Mitchell-Smith as a pair of teenage geeks that use a computer to build the perfect girl. The girl helps them to be cool and popular. In the end, the two geeks finally learn that is cool to be who you  are. 

The movie is filled with special effects that don't seem so special now and tons of laughs. It made liking science not seem so geeky. Or even all that weird. But, to me the cool thing about science is that it is weird sometimes. 

So in honor of Weird Science, we will have some kinda weird science experiments in September for Tweens (5th - 8th grade) and Teens (9th - 12th grade). 

Tweens will attempt to blow up a balloon on a plastic bottle. This will happen Monday, September 16 @ 4 p.m.

Teens will try to blow up a balloon inside a plastic bottle. It will be Monday, September 23 @ 4 p.m.

We invite all our Tweens and Teens to come by the library and explore a little weird science!

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