Friday, January 29, 2021

February Updates and Some Spoilers


You have been warned! If you have not done the crossword in this week's Take-Home kit, but intend to do so, DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER! Go forth and enjoy the activities, then return for the answers!

Now, on with the regularly scheduled blog.
Hello Teens!

That time of year has arrived again: February. Again, things look a bit different than in the past. But remember: we at the library are here for you! Don't forget that our Virtual Library Programs are ready and waiting for you each week, so don't forget to check out our group on Facebook at! Also, if you drop by the Brandon Public Library, we have our previously mentioned Take-Home kits for you! This previous week had the theme of Alice in Wonderland, so there were several activities and crafts for you to do.
For those of you who received the kit and did the activities, here are the answers to the crossword, word searches, and word scramble:

This next week's kit is about the Superbowl! There will be some interesting sports activities and crafts, so don't miss out on grabbing your kit while supplies last!

Now, about our upcoming holiday hours: the library will be closing Monday, February 15 for Presidents' Day. We will reopen Tuesday, February 16 at our regular hours. 

Stay safe, stay sane, and stay awesome!

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