Thursday, June 26, 2008

On the Waiting List for a Stephenie Meyer book?? Me, too!

Believe it or not, the staff has to wait just like our patrons to read the hottest books. I have finished Twilight and, as of this morning, I am #4 on the request list for New Moon. If you're like me and anxiously awaiting the next installment of this series but not wanting to dish out $20.00 to buy the book, try one of the other vampiric selections we have on the shelf.

by Scott Westerfeld
Eternal Lover
(a collection of 4 novels)
Blood & Chocolate
by Annette Curtis Klause
(werewolves -- not vampires)
Silver Kiss
by Annette Curtis Klause
The Stupidest Angel
by Christopher Moore
Vampire Kisses series
by Ellen Schreiber
by Cynthia Leitich Smith
Cirque du Freak series
by Darren Shan

So check out one of these books while you're waiting --- they're on the shelf!!

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Mara said...

Thanks for the suggestions! I absolutely loved the Meyer's Twilight Series. I've read all three (Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse). I can't wait until Breaking Dawn is released this fall.